Education Ministry on April 26, 2014 through an official notification introduced the new rules. It is published as rules under the Private Universities Act 2010.
Pursuant to the rules, no branch or study center of any foreign university will operate in Bangladesh without prior approval of University Grant Commission (UGC).
An application for branch or study center will have to be submitted in prescribed form. The application form should be supported by (among other) the following documents:
- Accreditation from the respective country which should be authenticated by the Bangladesh Embassy in that country;
- Clearance from Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh Nursing Council, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council, Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB) (if applicable);
- Agreement between the local agent/investors and foreign university;
- Clearance from respective country’s embassy situated in Bangladesh;
- Detail description of the foreign university, local agent, organizational structure, curriculum, list of teachers, their qualifications, etc.;
- Lease deed for rented premises or sale deed for own building.
After receiving the application, UGC may issue temporary approval or may request further information. If UGC refuse any application, a review application can be submitted to the Bangladesh government. In such case, government’s decision will be final.
Condition for approval:
- 25,000 square feet space for branch in rented premises or its own building and space that can accommodate every student.
- 10,000 square feet space for study center in rented premises or its own building and space that can accommodate every student.
- Full time teacher for all departments, courses. Part time teacher can be appointed. However the number of part-time teachers will not be more than one
third of the full-time teachers. - A library with at least 1500 square feet space with sufficient number of books.
Fees: a branch will have to pay 10,00,000 BDT and a study center will have to pay 3,00,000 BDT as fees for approval.
Fixed Deposit: a branch will fixed deposit 5,00,00,000 BDT and a study center will deposit 1,00,00,000 BDT with any scheduled bank.
Download: বিদেশী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় বা প্রতিষ্ঠানের শাখা ক্যাম্পাস বা স্টাডি সেন্টার পরিচালনা বিধিমালা, ২০১৪